Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Brown Town - 5.21.10

Athens, Ohio

w/ Spraynard, Lavis Blake, Brother Tiger, Bag of Hair, Cop Hugger, and Conan O'Brien's Band

*forgot my camera in the car for this show. salby!*

ok, so i feel terrible, but i cannot for the life of me remember the first band that played this show's name. i'm super sorry if they are ever to read this, but i promise i still had a great time during your set! arrrgh, i feel really bad. and when i said your drummer looked like Conan O'Brien, it was nothing but a compliment and shocking similarity. i still love you :(

so yeah, after that first band that i feel ashamed about, Max from Brown Town's band Cop Hugger played. i was super stoked on this band. they were fast old schoolish hardcore with positive messages littered throughout their lyrics. Max is one of the nicest human beings i've ever crossed paths with, so this was no surprise. plus, he sports a killer Good Clean Fun tattoo, and you can't go wrong with that. Max said their demo should be out in a few weeks, so i'm stoked to get my hands on that.

after Cop Hugger, Brother Tiger played. he was a solo dude who had a computer, mixer, and synth at his disposal. many times when someone is setting up a computer at a show, i shudder and think how bad it will probably be. and that is just my ignorant self, coz Brother Tiger RULED. super dancy and fun synth pop that everyone shook their butts to. he got everyone involved and hyped on dancing. it was a great time!

after Brother Tiger, Spraynard played our tunes. it was fun and hot and sticky.

after us, Lavis Blake amazed me once again. i can't hype their live performances enough. i hope to see this band play literally 100 more times. my life will be incomplete if not.

finally, a band called Bag of Hair played. now, most of the people that are close to me know that missing bands at shows is something i hate doing/don't agree with in general. that being said, i unfortunately missed this band. i could hear them perfectly from the kitchen where i was having an in depth conversation with Cait of Brown Town and Dos (in depth enough that i didn't realize how much time had passed by), and what i heard sounded great. unfortunately i am a terrible person and missed witnessing their whole set. people came up from the basement sweatier than usual though, so i assume it was something to behold. ugh.

i love Brown Town. Spraynard had played there once before that, and it was just as great of a time. rumor has it Max has been thinking of moving to Philly, and i'm sure Cait will find herself back here soon enough. super excited!

as for interesting tour stories... we played Bananagrams after the show while Lavis Blake went missing to some party down the street. THAT'S how exciting Spraynard's tours are. but seriously, Bananagrams rules and so does Max's invention of the word "Poom."

(grabbed my camera from the car before bed)

stay sweaty!

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